Colors can be used with numerology too, to assess the intrinsic value of color combinations. We have the most popular code ROYGBIV. Red = 1, Orange = 2, Yellow = 3, Green =4, Blue = 5, Indigo = 6 and Violet = 7. To use this, if we see a mixture of ground sulfur and copper sulfate crystals, the intrinsic numerical value of the mixture based on ROYGBIV scale is 8. Yellow + Blue or 3 + 5 equals 8. Or it could be 4. for if we mix yellow and blue, we get green which is 4.
but ROYGBIV is rather limiting. For it doesn't include other colors like white, black and brown.
Luckily, we have this color scale which is based on a popular game, which is purported to be Masonic. The Billiards set.
Anybody familiar with the game 9 ball billiards? From there we will get our scale.
So this is basically the numerical rule with the appropriate colors.
1 = Yellow, 2 = Blue, 3 = Red, 4 = Violet, 5 = Orange, 6 = Green, 7 = Brown, 8 = Black, 9 = Indigo, 10 = White
Let's see if The 9 ball rule applies to alchemy.
Let's get the gunpowder
Charcoal (black)
Potassium Nitrate (white)
Sulfur (yellow)
combining them 3 will yield to Fire which is symbolized by Red.
So black is 8. white is 10. yellow is 1.
10 is binary representation of the number 2.
so our equation
8 + 2 + 1 = 11.
11 is the binary representation of number 3.
so combining black, white, and yellow will lead to red.
which is mathematically verified by our Billiard code.
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